About Japan Up Close
Japan Up Close is a platform published in English that allows professionals in their fields both in and out of Japan to shine a light on many different "About Japan Up Close" directly to people all across the world. Just as there are 100 different "Japans" to 100 different people, we will bring to you contents from a wide range of genres in many different forms through this platform. We hope that all people will use their experiences with this platform to find their own personal Japan, and can feel even closer to the culture and people that constitute the country we call Japan.
This site is financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and is managed and operated in collaboration with many individuals and organizations. The information provided on this site reflects the opinions of the individuals, organizations, etc., that have provided said information, and are not officially approved or endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan or the Government of Japan.
Editorial Policy for Japan Up Close
- The goal of Japan Up Close is to provide professionals from a broad range of disciplines with a forum to express their viewpoints related to Japan. In providing this venue we hope contributors will share their personal experiences and perspectives, demonstrating Japan’s multi-faceted nature that is in many ways unique to each individual.
- The information provided on this site reflects the opinions of the individuals, organizations, etc., that have provided the contributed stories and are not official statements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan or the Government of Japan.
- Article submissions are welcome, and Japan Up Close seeks a wide range of viewpoints from many different nations, backgrounds, and fields to help discuss issues about Japan and to invite those from outside to help shape the discussion on policy and related issues.
- Submitted works should be the original work of the writer. If a submission has previously been published elsewhere, Japan Up Close should be notified upon submission.
- Submissions will be edited for accuracy, clarity, quality and/or length. Further editorial changes may be requested at the discretion of Japan Up Close. Articles will not be published with editorial changes without the consent of the author. If an agreement regarding editorial changes cannot be reached, the author retains the right to withdraw their work before publication.
- Japan Up Close will not publish work that is deemed libelous, malicious, or offensive to any individual or group of individuals.
- The views expressed in Japan Up Close are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official positions or policies of Japan Up Close.
- Japan Up Close possesses the copyrights to all materials published here, unless specifically noted otherwise. Authors will have the right to withdraw their work until publication, after which they become the property of Japan Up Close.