Society 5.0: Co-creating the Future
Uncertainty is a growing concern in global affairs, one which has only been accelerating in recent years. Ongoing and potential crises include the UK’s Brexit movement and the fallout that will result whichever way the country goes; growing tension on the Korean peninsula; strains between the US and China in terms of trade disagreements and global power positioning; and the current ‘America First’ populist movement in the US. At the same time, digital transformation is sweeping through society and business, touching our lives at nearly every point.

In the face of all this, a different style of thinking is needed for formulating both government policy and business strategy. Speaking at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Chairman of the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, and the Chairman of Hitachi, Ltd., explained the idea of Society 5.0: a concept of using technological innovation to achieve both social development and economic growth.
The idea of Society 5.0 originated in 2015. “The Japanese government cabinet decided on 5.0 as the most important concept of their science and technology plan over the next five years,” Mr. Nakanishi explains. “We are now discussing those kind of concepts in order to make clear economical growth for future investment. It’s not simply about businesses and profit-seeking, but also about how to contribute to society to solve various social issues.”