Digital transformation in Japan: Community-reactivating cooperator squads
March 03, 2023
Community-reactivating cooperator squads are people who move from urban areas such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Aichi Prefecture to depopulated areas and other disadvantaged areas to support regional development by, for instance, selling, promoting regional brands and local products, engaging in agriculture, and supporting local residents while settling in the area. Specific activities vary depending on the region to which they belong, and roles may be divided even within a region.

The recruitment criteria for the community-reactivating cooperator squad are defined as those who live in urban areas, have a regular driver's license, and are computer literate. The duration of the activity is generally between one and three years, but it can be extended if the applicant wishes to continue or if it is highly valued by the municipality.

40% of the community-reactivating cooperator squad are women, and of the total, those in their 20 - 30s are the most numerous, accounting for 70% of the total. After completing their term of service, about 65% of them settle down in the same area of activity. For the future path, 29% will start their own business, 47% will work, and 14% will farm.
As of FY2021, approximately 6,000 members were active throughout Japan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications have set a goal of increasing this number to 10,000 by FY2026, and will strengthen the community-reactivating cooperator squad and other organizations to achieve this goal.
Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
000799489.pdf (soumu.go.jp)
As of FY2021, approximately 6,000 members were active throughout Japan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications have set a goal of increasing this number to 10,000 by FY2026, and will strengthen the community-reactivating cooperator squad and other organizations to achieve this goal.
Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
000799489.pdf (soumu.go.jp)