Zen and chocolate: Seeking tranquility in business, life

Jerome Chouchan
Life is sweet right now for French national Jerome Chouchan, and it’s not just because he is surrounded by chocolate every day.
Chouchan heads the Asia Pacific (APAC) division of one of the world’s leading luxury chocolate brands and his book “Target: Business Wisdom from the Ancient Japanese Martial Art of Kyūdō” has recently come out in English. The Japanese version of the book was published in 2016, and Chouchan is pleased with the opportunity to bring his business philosophy to a wider international audience.
Drawing on more than 25 years of working in Japan and practicing the martial art kyūdō (Japanese archery), Chouchan offers an alternative blueprint for corporate success, and sat down with The Japan Times to share his insights.
Chouchan’s appreciation for traditional Japanese arts and wisdom goes back to his university days as a business major. He initially visited Japan in 1983 at the end of a backpacking trip around Asia. Having developed an interest in Zen, his plan was to visit a Buddhist temple of the Soto sect in the mountains of Fukui Prefecture. “I was very attracted by the fact that you work on your mind; it had a very practical aspect. What I didn’t know was that you don’t just arrive at the temple — you have to apply weeks or months in advance,” he said, smiling at the memory of his youthful naivety.
After being “politely turned away” by the temple, the disappointed student had no alternative but to hit the road, hitchhiking in hopes of getting a ride. Serendipitously, the first driver who picked Chouchan up happened to be a Zen master himself. “After inviting me to spend a week at his own temple, he then arranged for me to get special permission to return to the other in Fukui.”
Chouchan continued to take the path less traveled after graduation. At a time when all his friends were accepting offers from large firms, he wanted “something different” and came back to Japan as the sole representative for a well-established French jewelry firm. He went on to build a solid career in management for several international premium brands in Japan before joining Godiva in 2010.
Godiva has achieved impressive results, tripling its sales and profits in seven years. According to Chouchan, strong product innovation, along with a good balance between creativity and marketing, are among the company’s major strengths. Godiva Japan has two highly skilled French chefs working on creating the tastes that will eventually tickle customers’ palates.