5 companies in Japan working toward gender equality in management
November 11, 2022
Japan has been working, with some success, to empower women professionally and this endeavor has taken the form of an objective: “30 percent of management positions in Japan are to be fulfilled by women.”

Here are 5 companies in Japan that promote women for management positions. The ranking is based not only on the ratio of female managers, but also other factors such as the number of female board members, female managers, the highest positions held by women.
No.1 Shiseido
Shiseido is a globally known cosmetic company, which first started as Japan's first private Western-style pharmacy in 1872. It began a mentoring program involving female board members and female employees. In January 2022, the ratio of female managers is 37.3%.
No.2 Resona Holdings
Resona Holdings is one of Japan’s major banks. It aims to increase the ratio of female managers at section manager level and above within its six group companies to 40% or more by 2030. In the fiscal year 2021, the ratio of female managers is 32.0%.
No.3 Pasona Group
Pasona Group provides staffing services, including temporary staffing, recruiting, outplacement, and outsourcing. It runs Women’s Advanced Program, which prepares female employees to successfully execute senior level responsibilities. In 2021, the ratio of female managers is 42%.
No.4 MetLife
MetLife offers life, accident and health insurance, retirement and savings products. The ratio of female managers (total of internal staff and sales staff) as of January 1, 2022 is 16.7%.
No.5 EY Japan
EY Japan Provides services in the field of assurance, consulting, strategy and transactions, and tax.
EY Japan launched WindS, an internal women's network in 2008; the Entrepreneurial Winning Women program to support female entrepreneurs; the Women Athletes Business Network to help female athletes build second careers; and the promotion of supplier diversity. In July 2019, Masami Katakura of EY Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC became the first woman to serve as Chairman of a major mid-sized audit firm.
The Top 5 ranking here is based on "Survey on the Utilization of Women by Companies" which composes the 2022 edition of the "Best 100 Companies where Women are Active,” conducted by Nikkei Woman (published by Nikkei BP), a magazine aimed for working women, and the Nikkei Womanomics Project, a group of Nikkei Inc.
EY Japan launched WindS, an internal women's network in 2008; the Entrepreneurial Winning Women program to support female entrepreneurs; the Women Athletes Business Network to help female athletes build second careers; and the promotion of supplier diversity. In July 2019, Masami Katakura of EY Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC became the first woman to serve as Chairman of a major mid-sized audit firm.
The Top 5 ranking here is based on "Survey on the Utilization of Women by Companies" which composes the 2022 edition of the "Best 100 Companies where Women are Active,” conducted by Nikkei Woman (published by Nikkei BP), a magazine aimed for working women, and the Nikkei Womanomics Project, a group of Nikkei Inc.