Paternity Leave in Japan

By Staff Writer
January 13, 2023
There has been a growing focus in Japan on men taking parental leave from work. As Japan's birthrate declines and the population ages, labor laws were recently amended to include a section on men taking childcare leave, to help those raising children and caring for family members to balance work and household duties. The law has been implemented in stages starting from April 2022. Specifically, the law requires companies to create a workplace environment that facilitates the taking of childcare leave. They are also required to explain the childcare leave system to the relevant employees and confirm their intention to take the leave or not. According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave in FY2021 was only 13.97%. The Japanese government has set a goal of raising the rate of men taking childcare leave in the private sector to 30% by 2025. Japan aims to create a society where women can work in good health by increasing the amount of time men spend on childcare.
A father holding a small baby
A father playing with blocks together with his daughter
A father sitting with a small child while the mother works on a computer
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