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  • Japan fights for its returning to a perfect world

Japan fights for its returning to a perfect world

By Helmut Michelis
April 01, 2016

In the story “Japan fights for its returning to a perfect world” the author describes the enormous efforts of the country and its people to restore a normal life after the terrible triple-catastrophy of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant disaster in March 2011.
This includes a major endeavour to export products of the region again – despite the sorrows of some customers worldwide, which are still afraid of radiation. At the centre for agricultural technology in Fukushima and at the also new built Ishinomaki Fish Market, the responsables demonstrated to the author the progress which has been made. Employees shredded fruits and tested them with various modern equipment on radioactive contamination before disposition.“For many months there was no more contaminated fish trawled and beeing delivered”, the president of the fish market said.Support also comes from Germany : The federal state of Nordrhein-Westfalen with it’s capital Duesseldorf, where a large Japanese community is living and successfully working since decades, and the Fukushima prefecture have just decided to cooperate closely in medical technic-affairs.

Short summary of the articles of Mr. Helmut Michelis, who visited Japan in October 2015 reporting for the „Rheinische Post“, one of the leading regional daily newspapers and internet-media in Germany. Michelis spoke with politicians, military authorities, experts like scientists, which are developing renewable energy, peach farmers, fishermen and other citizens. The editor published his reports about his experiences made in various towns and institutions allover Japan in the newspapers of his company like NGZ (Neuss-Grevenbroicher Zeitung) and its internet-disclosures like “RP Online” and “RP plus” (for iPad-readers especially).

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