Mr. Kim's Nuclear Missiles: Options for the Future
Several missile tests and the most recent nuclear test have demonstrated resolve and eagerness on behalf of the North Korean regime to become a nuclear weapons state. It is now clear that Pyongyang is not yet capable of manufacturing sophisticated rocket components but the skill and ingenuity in using Soviet rocket components has grown “very substantially”.1 This is not good news for the long run.
It seems that North Korean engineers and technicians have learned quite a lot in the last years. They still have to master miniaturization of bombs, warhead technology, the phase of reentry, and targeting. But the missile and nuclear tests moved up estimates of the timeline for fielding a reliable long-range nuclear missile and Mr. Kim does not need perfect solutions – simple nuclear devices can also be used to devastate large populated areas.
1. Theodore Postol, Markus Schiller, Robert Schmucker, “North Korea's ‘Not quite’ ICBM can't hit the lower 48 states”, in: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 11.8.2017
So What are the Options?2
Washington is under increasing pressure since, to date, it has only been reactive and not proactive – contrary to what Donald Trump himself has promised or – more precisely – has threatened to do. Both Tokyo and Seoul must fear that the U.S. are shifting towards the worst possible form of action and will start a military intervention which could escalate towards another war in Korea.
There is a set of options available to the US and its allies in order to initiate negotiations and prevent North Korea from further advancing its capabilities. These options can be sequenced and applied in combination. Yet, none of these options appear only by themselves as promising and each would be effective only to a limited extent.
Military intervention remains to be the the most dangerous and least promising option. There would be a great degree of uncertainty and risks. Even with only limited strikes on missile bases the conflict could quickly escalate and lead to hundreds of thousands of casualties. And even an extensive military intervention would only delay, but not completely stop, Pyongyang's development of nuclear-capable, long-range missiles. Another Korean war would be expected to last for weeks or even months and would have unforeseeable consequences. A war scenario employing only conventional weapons would likely claim at least one million lives – and this number would dramatically increase should nuclear weapons be used.
The Trump administration continues to insist that“all options are on the table” with North Korea and preemptive war remains one of these options. But it must reckon with the likely possibility that even eliminating Kim by a decapitation strike would not eliminate the risk of North Korean nuclear use. Any policy solution that does not include the complete and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea would leave this specter looming. 3
The second category of options means strengthening deterrence and defence. This option suggests that the U.S. and its allies strengthen their capabilities to deter and defend against North Korea. This allows for increasing military pressure on Pyongyang, while avoiding the use of force.
The choice already taken is to strengthen missile defense within the trilateral system of the US, South Korea and Japan. North Korea's missile test on 28 July led Seoul to accelerate the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). Japan is working to improve its missile defense (Aegis and Standard Missile, SM) in order to provide its navy with new interceptors (SM-3 Block IIa). Tokyo also wants to deploy land-based systems (Aegis Ashore, AN/SPY-6 radar and enhanced PAC-3 interceptors).
Current ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems have so far not been particularly successful against long-range missiles. Should Aegis BMD ships be used against a North Korean missile, this might reveal deficits: missile defenses“will likely miss, feed data to rivals and embarrass the United States” 4 (and Japan). Or it may trigger unintended reactions by actually fuelling an escalation instead of preventing it.
Missile defense is the preferred choice of action but it does not work the way it is supposed to do. Deterrence by denial only gives some more time to decision-makers but it will not solve the problem. Over-reliance on BMD could even impede diplomatic efforts that could avoid a dangerous confrontation. And there will be more missiles flying over Japan because Mr. Kim wants to establish a credible deterrent (and a more realistic combat trajectory will enhance confidence in the reliability of his missiles).
So the 3rd option is simply to implement the sanctions. However, the complex sanctions regime seems to be failing due to the lack of collective implementation. China's trade with North Korea did not decrease in the first quarter of 2017, but instead rose by 40 percent. Now the US increased pressure by unilaterally imposing secondary sanctions against Chinese banks and companies. That works a little bit better now. But the new UN sanctions are indeed, according to Trump, “not a big deal”.
Beijing will be unwilling to implement tougher sanctions against Pyongyang before the National Congress of the Communist Party in October and. Like Moscow5 it does not want to seriously jeopardize the Kim regime. Maybe China's president Xi Jinping even will – in the absence of concessions from the US – prefer to maintain the fragile status quo in which North Korea acts as a geopolitical buffer state against the U.S. Finally, there is little hope that sanctions alone will change the behavior of the North Korean regime (and a comprehensive embargo will not be supported by China and Russia)6.
Option # 4 is giving diplomacy a chance. But starting negotiations is seen as de facto recognizing North Korea as a nuclear-armed state, honouring its breach of international norms. As a result of this dilemma, no U.S. administration has yet pursued a negotiation goal less ambitious than the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization. As the Trump administration is also following that line, Washington does not consider an arms control regime worthwhile although that could result in a freeze of North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile advancements.7 And even if a freeze were enforceable, the risk of proliferation would remain.
In any scenario of negotiations, Pyongyang would certainly demand more and different concessions than it has in the past, such as the stop or adjustment of US-South Korean military exercises.
So instead of security guarantees as in the past, an alternative option would be to replace the ceasefire agreement of 1953 by a peace treaty. Currently, political resistance in both Washington and Seoul pose considerable obstacles. For example, the US-South Korean alliance as well as the deploy-ment of US troops to South Korea would lose their legitimate justification which would ultimately lead to Washington’s retreat from Korea.
But Washington is not scaling down its commitments. It currently builds up more pressure in East Asia. The U.S. Pacific Command has developed a plan to conduct freedom-of-navigation operations two to three times over the next few months, thus reinforcing the U.S. challenge to Chinese maritime claims in the South China Sea.8 Washington is not showing any interest to make concessions or a transactional“deal” with China. As a consequence, there is no reason to expect changes within the Sino-American relationship, nor any bilateral progress on the Korean issue in the foreseeable future.
Finally, as a last option, it is conceivable that the Trump administration will not officially accept North Korea as a nuclear weapons state, but come to terms with it over the course of time. A strong deterrence posture, extended to allies, is the most time-tested and reliable means of coping with a nuclear-armed adversary. And the armed forces of the United Sates, South Korea and Japan will remain militarily superior and will act massively if Mr. Kim launches a nuclear-armed missile against their territory. At the same time, Pyongyang will continue holding Seoul with its artillery as hostage, and cities in Japan as well as US bases are within reach of North Korea's missiles. So a kind of asymmetric deterrence aready exists.
US commitments to extended nuclear deterrence will become more credible, the less the need for their implementation – meaning, the fewer nuclear weapons North Korea has or the better equipped South Korea’s and Japan's armed forces are. A regional arms race could be the result.
2. Cf. Michael Paul and Elisabeth Suh, North Korea's Nuclear-Armed Missiles. Options for the US and its Allies in the Asia-Pacific, Berlin: SWP, August 2017 (SWP Comments, 32/2017).
3. Cf. Vipin Narang and Ankit Panda, Command and Control in North Korea: What a Nuclear Launch Might Lokk Like, in: War on the Rocks, 15.9.2017.
4. Dave Majumdar, “There May Be No Way to Shoot Down North Korea's Ballistic Missiles”, in: War is Boring, 31.8.2017.
5. Russia's goals are similar to those of China: to maintain stability, to preserve Korea's division, and to advance denuclearization.
6. China had long worried that an oil cutoff altogether would lead to North Korea's collapse. Somini Sengupta, After U.S. Compromise, Security Council Strengthens North Korea Sanctions, NYT, 11.9.2017.
7. China and Russia have proposed a “double freeze” on North Korea's missile and nuclear tests in ex–change for a freeze in joint military drills by South Korea and U.S. Washington has rejected that proposal. But the U.S. could consider adjustments to the exercises without undermining readiness.
8. Gordon Lubold/Jeremy Page, “U.S. to Challenge China With More Patrols in Disputed Waters; Schedule of naval operations is set for the first time in effort to pressure Beijing over its maritime claims”, in: Wall Street Journal Online, 1.9.2017.