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  • Webinar - Japan-ASEAN Cooperation as Security Partners

Webinar - Japan-ASEAN Cooperation as Security Partners

By Staff Writer
March 22, 2024
Japan sees ASEAN as a strong partner in contributing to regional peace and prosperity and meeting common challenges. This session delves into the significance and potential of a security partnership between Japan and ASEAN.

We were joined by a team of experts to further explore and discuss Japan-ASEAN’s cooperation as security partners. Our list of experts includes Dr. Kitti Prasirtsuk, Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University, Thailand, and Ms. Hoang Thi Ha, Senior Fellow, Co-coordinator, Regional Strategic and Political Studies Programme, Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore. The webinar was moderated by Mr. Jonathan Soble, former Financial Times Tokyo Bureau Chief. During the webinar, the panelists reflected on the evolution of Japan-ASEAN security cooperation, discussed the perception of Japan as a regional security partner by Southeast Asian countries and envisioned the future of this partnership.
(Movie) Webinar - Japan-ASEAN Cooperation as Security Partners

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