Funaya, Ine Town
May 31, 2024
Ine town, located at the northern tip of the Tango Peninsula in Kyoto, has flourished as a fishing town. In this town, about 230 houses known as “Funaya”, are built close to waterline of Ine Bay. A Funaya is a two-storey building designed to protect boats from rain and wind. Currently, the first floor is used for a space of cooking fish and hanging out the laundry. The town was certified as “Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings” by the Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan in the year 2005. Many tourists visit Ine town as the scenery reminds them of old Japan. While some of Funaya have been turned into restaurants and hotels, most of them remain private houses, with the Ine Town Office taking into consideration residents’ livelihoods. The town offers visitors some options that include boat tours to view the houses from the sea and, panoramic views from a nearby hill as well as guided walks through the town.